For the last five years, NBA Skills Trainer Drew Hanlen has taken on a small group of Skills Coaches in our NEXT Mentorship Program. These coaches have ranged anywhere from trainers who were just starting their career, to others trying to find their path, to established trainers who were simply looking to get to the NEXT level. 

The results have been astounding.

The NEXT Mentorship Program has now transitioned into the Business of Basketball accelerator program that you can customize to choose the experiences that meet your specific needs.

Checkmark Jumpstart Your Training Career

Checkmark Increase Your Number of Clients

Checkmark Generate More Revenue

Checkmark Attract Higher Level Players




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Want to start your own training business? Let Drew Hanlen guide you through the process and save you months or even years of costly mistakes and trial and error. Use his proven methods to build the business you have always wanted!



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Is your training business ready for the NEXT step in its growth? If you are ready to expand and scale your offerings, Drew will help guide you through growing the right way so you don’t make the mistake of spreading yourself too thin, too fast.



Luke Cooper
"Instead of you spending three months on a problem, on a 15-minute call (Drew) is going to fix that problem and you can move on!"
Luke Cooper
Jenny Heringer
"Drew has helped me improve my business from the top down. The program has helped me grow my academy sessions and do less private sessions."
Jenny Heringer
Eric Sempassa
"I learned how to better structure my business from a revenue standpoint and how to break through plateaus with players during training."
Eric Sampassa

hear from trainers that have accelerated their programs using the business of basketball training courses